
About Us

Hi, my name is Ana Espinosa.

When I was a young girl, people would ask me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I always answered that I would like to be a beautician because makeup and hair always fascinated me. However, for some reason or another, my life took me in a different direction. I came across Sandra Plasencia's School of Permanent Makeup and Skin Care and became an aesthetician.

It was there that I found my passion for making people feel and look better about their skin and themselves. I had problematic skin, but going through the training, my skin became better and better. As a result, I now love my skin, and it brings me great pleasure to help others make a difference in their skin.

I realized that beauty does not come from the makeup you wear or the style of your clothes - it comes from the base of your skin. Your skin has so much to do with both your beauty and physical health. I am here to help you look and feel your best!


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